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MGC Chatbox Evo
Mod Version: 3.4.0, by VBDev

vB Version: 4.2.x Rating: (302 votes - 4.64 average) Installs: 2477
Released: 28 Jan 2008 Last Update: 02 Sep 2013 Downloads: 46362
Not Supported DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Template Additional Files Translations

This mod is automatically compatible with vB3.6.x, vB3.7.x, vB3.8.x and vB4.x.x


MGC Chatbox Evo is the most ever installed chatbox for vBulletin !

It offers a new enhanced online experience to your members leading to increased time spent online of more than 25% by providing them with a new, more interactive, way to interact with each other.
  • Important number of features
  • High level of configurability to fit each users needs
  • Channels system
  • Many commands
  • Bot system
  • and more...
... makes MGC Chatbox Evo a must have for your forum !

Detailed features

Following is a non-exhaustive list:
  • Simple install
  • Ajax based with:
    • Fast and Intelligent chats retrieval through javascript calls to server files (refresh delay configurable per usergroup)
    • Edit/update by double-clicking on a chat
    • Interact on chats through menus and javascript
  • Many usergroup permissions to limit features according to usergroups
  • Full configuration of the chatbox display:
    Size, position on forum pages, editor layout (either top/bottom input or left/right textarea) and position, number of chats displayed, ...
  • Full configuration of the chats display:
    Authorized bbcodes selection, date/time options, avatar display, ...
  • Possibility to create channels (unlimited number) with multiple configuration options:
    • Warn user of new message when not active through blinking image and eventually sound notification
    • Possibility to select on which specific page each is displayed
    • Option to display the channel only for selected languages
    • Usergroup/User permissions to access the channel
  • Many commands available with usergroup/user permissions to access them:
    • /me: well known IRC command
    • /del: remove shouts (different possibilities of removal)
    • /ignore: ignore shouts from another user
    • /ban: ban user from chatbox
    • /pm: send a private chat to another user
    • /announcement: modify the announcement on top of the chatbox
    • /slap: allow user to slap another user
    • /team: chats sending between specified usergroups
    • /l33t: I33t-ify a message
    • /banchan: ban user from specific channel [PRO only]
  • Forum activity notifications system in the chatbox:
    • Different display options:
      • In the chatbox melted with chats
      • In the chatbox in a separate column
      • In the vB4 sidebar or a custom sidebar for vB3
    • Multiple notifications:
      • New thread creation
      • New post creation
      • Post thanked (Abe's)
      • New registrations (not included - separate product)
      • IBProarcade highscore (not included - separate product)
  • Bot system with set of predefined trigger chat and corresponding answers and automatic bot chats [PRO only]
  • Archive system with statistics as well as download and search capabilities
  • Possibility to display the list of users online in the chatbox
  • Force anynomous to enter a username before chatting if they can access the chatbox
  • Antiflood system
  • Private chats feature through PM in tabs
  • Optional sound notifications
  • Inactive mode feature for server load optimization
  • User statistics display in posts and profile
  • Chatbox statistics display on forumhome
  • Create thread from a chat [PRO only]
  • CMS Integration (not included - separate product)
    • vBAdvanced CMPS
    • vBulletin 4 CMS
  • Importers from other chatbox systems:

Refer to the readme for the chatbox install.


Live demo on

  1. French
  2. English
  3. German [Not yet updated]
  4. Serbian [Not yet updated]

On my website mostly and in this thread


Integration in IBProarcade is described in the readme.
vBAdvanced CMPS and vBulletin 4 CMS integration are available as additional modules.


This hack is compatible with vB3.6.x, vB3.7.x
, vB3.8.x and vB4.x.x


First part:

Spoiler (click to open)

  • Version 0.1.1 : 5 February 2008
    • Minor corrections of the 0.1.1
  • Version 0.1.2 : 6 February 2008
    • Corrected bugs :
      • Can see only when number of posts reached permission not working properly
      • Image path error for not logged in users
      • down9x9.gif not in all styles => replaced by menu_open.gif
      • Color palette in acp not working in opera
  • Version 0.2.0 : 16 February 2008
    • Corrected bugs :
      • PM could be seen by everyone that has pm command permissions when command attached to a channel
      • Problem of username column width in chats (Opera)
      • Problem of date column width in archives (Opera)
      • Chat color defaulted to white instead of using forum default
      • Inactive mode shows up while not being active on the forum
      • Problem of date locals
      • Menu shall not be displayed when chatbox is collasped
    • New Features :
      • Option to display the whosonline in a tab rather than under the chatbox
      • Usergroup permission to display or not the prompt message in the input field
      • Prompt message as an option instead of a phrase
      • Easier channels creation, with only few clicks it's no possible to create the channel along with its attached command
  • Version 0.2.1 : 19 February 2008
    • Color selector problem in usercp and chatbox, only 2 colors are shown
    • Time locale problem
  • Version 0.3.0 : 26 February 2008
    • Corrected bugs :
      • First shout problem due to prompt message
      • Popup menu not closing in Safari and Opera - Popup menu can now be closed by clicking again on the menu button
      • Chat edit problem in archives : See removed features
    • New Features :
    • Sticky/Unsticky shouts (through a menu item)
      • New option to allow smilies retrieval in admincp smilies manager set order
    • Removed Features :
      • Chatbox display in the archives
  • Version 0.4.0 : 26 April 2008
    • Corrected bugs :
      • Compatibility with CRSF protection changes introduced in newer vBulletin version
      • Sticky chat option displayed to users that doesn't have the right to use it
      • Problem with opened menu disappearing when chatbox refreshes
      • Menu commands not working in archives
      • ACP smilies order working but not taking into account smilie categories orders
    • New features :
      • Hide general channel when only 1 channel in the chatbox
  • Version 0.5.0 : 29 June 2008
    • Corrected bugs :
      • Channels won't display
      • Missing space before the To in the PM chat displaying in Safari
      • Channels usergroup permissions don't get displayed but still are taken into account
      • Other users could see private messages in archives
      • FR and EN ban commands files differences
      • Chats sent by non registered users shown in stats while they shoudln't
      • Sticky option disapeared
      • Command options not displayed
      • Shouts get removed when cron is set to 0 while they shouldn't
      • Censored words are not hidden when used in a text command (like /me command)
    • New features :
      • Completion system to easier entering of commands (based on jQuery)
      • Chatbox popups redesigned (based on jQuery)
      • BBCODE email added
  • Version 1.0.0 : 16 August 2008
    • Corrected bugs
      • Channel icons not blinking
      • Chatbox autocomplete function firing error on pages without the chatbox in it
    • New features
      • Commands are now included in the chatbox thus simplifying chatbox install
      • Intelligent chats reload system to improve performances and speed based on jQuery plugin (no more full reload)
      • Commands now usable in all channels
      • IP of the chat's author displayed in the menu on the left to users who can manage the chatbox
  • Version 1.1.0 : 20 October 2008
    • Corrected bugs
      • Veuillez entre l'email not translated
      • When chats display option is "Oldest first", the chatbox doesn't scroll to new chats on load
      • Too much space between chats in collapsed mode
      • Sticky chats not working immediatly (only after reload of the page)
      • Chats doesn't get removed from the chatbox when the inactivity mode message is displayed
      • The command permissions query shall not be ran at chatbox initial display when the chatbox autocompletion is inactive
      • vBulletin confirm popup (logout or PM) have been reported by somes users as not displayed in IE when the chatbox is active (IE javascript triangle appears)
      • Missing indicator.gif reported in FF console error
      • Small template issues
      • Banning user only start applying if the banned user refreshes his browser
      • When using the delete command, older chats gets added on top instead of bottom or so on
    • New features
      • Changed url popup to also specify a text in addition to the link (optional)
      • Option to show the chatbox collapsed by default
      • Possibility to force unregistered users enter their name before they shout
      • Actions logging like ban and remove (activation through option)
      • Usergroup permission for the IP display feature
      • Option to set the chatbox width
      • Option to set the styles in which not to display the chatbox
      • Usergroup styling taking into account in the users online list
      • Display of a small avatar at the left of the username (option)
      • Option to expand the bbcode/smilies lines by default
      • New command : slap
      • New syntaxes for the ban command to allow banning for a defined number of hours or days
  • Version 2.0.2 : 25 December 2008
    • Corrected bugs:
      • Online users in a tab feature not working
      • SQL error when the who is online in the chatbox feature is active
      • Avatar feature is causing SQL error with vB 3.6 versions
      • When new chats are set to be at the bottom, the chatbox doesn't scroll automatically to the bottom when changing of channel
      • Slap command through the menu item when in a secondary channel leads to slaps being wronglu posted in the general channel
      • When inactive mode on load option is set, a javascript error is fired in Firefox
      • Online users in a tab exploses the chatbox template a bit
      • Alternating colors for chats row doesn't work anymore
      • Smilies retrieval order when set to be like in the admincp is not accurate
      • jQuery loads on all forums pages while it shouldn't
      • Add template name in HTML comments option causes the chat to be hidden in IE and shown horizontally in Firefox
      • When sending a private chat to an other user through the dialog box fired upon press on the menu item, chat doesn't get sent if they contain double quotes
    • New features:
      • Importers from the following chatbox system: cChatbox v1.5, Cyb Chatbox v2.3, DionDev Shoutbox v1.0, Dream's Chatbox v2.1.1, GSBOS v1.0.5, Inferno vBShout Lite v2.5.0, MGC Chatbox v1.5
      • Refresh rate is now based on a per usergroup basis instead of an option
      • All javascript codes have been moved from jQuery to YUI (cleaner popups, autocomplete, and so on)
      • Ajax calls have been changed to the new vBulletin standard using YUI connection manager
      • Javascript files are now compressed to fasten the page load
      • New option to display new thread or post notifications in the chatbox (uses forum permissions)
      • Possibility to split the chats in 2 columns (one for the chats & one for the notifications)
      • Shouts searching system in the archives
      • Option to display the number of chats in the user profile or/and in the postbit
      • Option to set the userids of users that can't be ignored by others
      • Possibility to use BBCODES and/or smilies is now usergroup permissions based
      • Option to set the chats vertical alignment
      • Possibility to display the active channel name at the top of the chatbox
      • Automatic refresh can be disabled through usergroup permissions
      • New filter in the archives to limit the number of chats displayed (last day, last 2 days, last week, and so on...)
      • New usergroup permission to limit users number of chats per 24H (dynamic) as well as a permission to stop automatic refresh when this limit is reached
      • When the maximum number of chats per day is reached, a warning is displayed to the user in the chatbox
      • Chats are now removed from the chats database when you remove a user from the forum
      • New usergroup permission to set the default channel for each usergroup
  • Version 2.1.0 : 6 February 2009
    • Corrected bugs:
      • Remove the shouts button in the archives doesn't work in IE6
      • Pagenav in the search doesn't work, when clicking on a second page, it leads to a "User doesn't exist error message" instead of the searched chats
      • Selecting "The beginning" in the archives send back to yesterday
      • Blinking channel upon new message seems not to work
      • Sometimes chats don't get sent but are when refreshing the page
      • Special HTML characters are displayed as HTML code and not interpreted
      • Database error in archives page when avatar display option is on
      • When a user belongs to a primary usergroup that has access to a command but the secondary usergroup he also belongs to doesn't, menu items of the commands are not shown in the chatbox
      • Strange behaviour of the chatbox when the whosonline is set to be in a tab and the separate chats and notifications options is on
    • New features:
      • Yesterday/Today date feature in the chatbox
      • Avoid user to ban/ignore himself
      • Hide top chatters box from archives when number is set to 0
      • Option to load files locally instead from the yui server
      • Option to filter some forum for notifications warnings
      • Tick box in the archives to select all chats on a page for removal
      • Configurable notification column width
      • Possibility to separate notifications/real chats sql query
      • Configuration notifications number when sql queries are separated
      • Availability of sound notification upon new messages
      • Hooks for further notifications plugin creation
  • Version 2.2.0 : 6 February 2009
    • Corrected bugs:
      • SQL error when chats and notifications are in a separate SQL query and chatbox is minimized
      • Chatbox doesn't scroll down automatically in IE7 when newest chats are set to be at the bottom
      • Ajax error fired sporadically
      • When clicking on view all chats of ... the displayed chats are those of the user clicking on the link instead of the other user
      • If a thread/post is removed from the database and notification system is active, the notification chat is not removed from the database
      • If a thread/post is supposed to be awaiting moderation, it's shown in the notifications while it shouldn't yet be
      • Prefix missing in mgc chatbox 1.5
      • Chats limit per 24 hour is not working properly
      • Forum left to right align not taken into account in the chatbox
      • Menu item in PM chats is redirecting to receiver of the message instead of author
      • When BBCODE are off, setting the chatbox to be hidden in the usercp stop the user from being able to set it on again
      • When chats are displayed as "newest at the bottom", the chatbox doesn't scroll correctly after a chat delete
    • New features:
      • vBShouts 2.0 importer
      • New thread/post notification links redirect to last post
      • Quote BBCODE support
      • Sound notification upon new message in other channels as option
  • Version 2.2.1 : 6 February 2009
    • Corrected bugs:
      • SQL error in when creating a new post with notifications active in the chatbox
      • ARG4 undefined error message instead of the threadtitle in newpost notification
  • Version 2.3.1 : 10 March 2009
    • Corrected bugs:
      • SQL error when trying to update counters in the admincp of the chatbox
      • Sticky chats is not working
      • Impossible to double click to edit a chat only containing an url Added edit chat item in menu
      • SQL error in view all chats
      • In Safari browser, an older chat is displayed at the top when chats and notifications are not in a separate query
      • When changing channels order, if channel title right near chatbox name option is on, the displayed title is wrong
      • SQL error when import from some chatbox when a username has a ' in it.
      • Private chats are shown when Viewing all chats of a user while they shouldn't
      • IBProarcade (latest version) integration doesn't work
      • Autocompletion relative yui stuff is loaded while autocompletion is not active
      • If align usernames and chats option is set and newest chat are at the bottom without notification column, chats aren't aligned
    • New features:
      • Added back /team command
      • Chat retrievals query optimization
      • Upgrade to YUI 2.7.0
      • Change sound format to .swf
      • WYSWYG input field
      • Option to save user selected chat format without having to pass through usercp
  • Version 2.3.2 : 7 April 2009
    • Corrected bugs:
      • Chats doesn't appear when chatbox is collapsed. See here for a fix
      • PM sent to other user don't show other username color correctly : See here for a fix
      • SQL error when moving a post to a new thread with inline mod
      • Members that do not have permission to see the archives, can see the link to the archives.
      • Apparently thread notifications is providing errors to some users
      • When a user with username βᴬᴰᴵᴻfÉ*ʋʒᴎƶɛ post a message, chatbox stuck to blank
      • Anonymous can't chat
      • Selecting a color and then going back to default doesn't set font back to default


Second part:

Spoiler (click to open)

Second part of the changelog :
  • Version 2.4.0: 24 july 2009
    • Corrected bugs:
      • Usergroup color/style markup not taken into account in the whosinthechatbox
      • Wrong number of people online/names in the whosinthechatbox
      • If bbcodes are disabled but not the smilies, the smilies aren't parsed anymore
      • User are able to see channels archives they don't have access by entering the id of the channels in the url
      • Entering some special characters in a chat makes the chatbox hang
      • IF a user has not access to a channel he still sees the message when searching
      • If user collapse and reexpand chatbox and there is a sticky chat, new chats get added before sticky chat instead of after
      • Chatbox won't let users enter just a 0 as chat
    • New features:
      • Antiflood system (max. number of messages per minute)
      • Can delete own shouts permission
      • Enter button now send the private chat instead of cancel in the pm popup
      • Bot system (automatic answer)
      • Option to disable wysiwyg in input field
      • Usergroup permission to see notifications
      • Checkbox to remove more than one log at a time in the admincp
      • Option to show number of user in chats on forumhome in the statistics
      • Improve performances and load
      • Display current time in chatbox
      • Autoadd number of chats in postbit through hooks
      • More search options: Search by channel
      • Possibility to set usergroup/user from which only post notifications
      • More noticeable sticky posts
      • Possibility to move notification column to a separate forum sidebar
      • Option for channels to set wether they are shown on forumhome / in which forums
      • Use datastore for channels and commands (less queries)
      • Alternative chatbox display with textarea on the right or left side
      • Possibility to rename the chatbox file
      • Minimum number of threads per 24H to post
      • Possibility to show PM chats in tabs for easier user to user chat
  • Version 2.4.1: 4 september 2009
    • Corrected bugs :
      • If the BBCodes are inactive for a usergroup, they still were able to choose the default formatting options in their usercp
      • The Archives links is displayed to users that don't have access to them
      • Impossible to send a PM through the menu to users with a ' in their username
    • New functionnalities :
      • 3 replacements vars to add the username, date or time in the bot answer
  • Version 2.4.2: 13 september 2009
    • Corrected bugs :
      • PM tab doesn't open if a user has a username with a '
      • More smilies link not working
      • Channel order setting seems to be ineffective
      • Bot apparently answers in the chatbox while not being active
      • Many errors due to empty array
      • PM tab doesn't work in full page mode
      • Chats are added to the bottom instead of the top upon delete of a chat in oldest first mode
    • New functionnalities :
      • Icon near the chats which, when clicked, add @username at the beginning of the chat input field
      • Possibility to remove bots chats directly from the chatbox
      • Option to set a userid for the bot
  • Version 3.0.0 : 15 May 2010 [CHATBOX PORTED TO vB4]
    • Corrected bugs :New functionnalities :
      • An error is fired when the notification for new thread is active and user try to validate a moderated thread (Fatal error: Call to a member function authorize_user_newthread_newpost_notif() on a non-object in /serverpath/includes/mgc_cb_evo/plugins.php on line 580)
      • In_array error in class_misc.php
      • Js error when maximum number of chats per day is reached
      • When avatars are in the filesystem they don't show in the chatbox
      • Chats order in the PM tabs were sometimes messed up
      • Option to exclude chatbox from defined forum pages
      • Report chat function
      • New registrations notification (only in BF version)
  • Version 3.1.0 : 23 August 2010
    • Corrected bugs :
      • Sound notification not playing
      • Foreach invalid argument error in mgc_cb_evo/classes/class_display.php
      • Date locale issue in bot chat
      • Gap on the right or left of the chats for guests or user not having the right to post in the chatbox when the editor is set to be on the left or right of the chats
      • Changing the textarea width/height option doesn't seem to be having an effect
      • Chats not ordered as expected in the PM tabs
      • Sometimes chats appear two times in PM tab
      • Avatar not showing properly in PM tab
      • Problem with missing class_display.php file in vB3
      • Smilies don't get added to the chatbox when in the "more" windows
      • Can use BBCode usergroup options set to no doesn't avoid the user from using BBCodes
      • When autocompletion is disabled tabs won't show anymore
      • When the user select a color from his usercp and then changes back to default the chats takes black as default color and thus could be bearly unreadable in dark styles.
      • When searching for * a php error with preg_replace fires
      • Possibility to access to the channels you don't have the right to by inputing url in browser address bar
      • in_array error at line 358 of mgc_cb_evo.php
      • Max size option doesn't avoid user from using higher size with manual bbcode inputing
      • Menu problem with editor at bottom and prompt message in the chat input field
      • The channel option to hide from specific pages works in the opposite way
      • Unsticky not working from chatbox menu
    • New functionnalities :
      • Multiples slap sentences with random display
      • Possibility to set multiple sentence for each bot item
      • Notification position selection now embeds verification to warn notifications in sidebar incompatibility with vB4
      • Option to set "unslappable" users
      • Option to show channels on a per language basis
      • Option to select allowed colors in the chatbox
      • Adding below the navbar location for forumhome, forumdisplay and showthread
      • Enhance autocompletion system to put the correct syntax (without user_username or user_userid) and put it as comment instead
      • Moved the refresh image to the right of the refresh button in the normal editor template version
      • Option inside the chatbox to temporarly disable the sound
      • vBCMS Center Widget
      • vBCMS Side Widget
      • vBAdvanced Center Module [vB4]
      • vBAdvanced Side Module [vB4]
      • New notifications display option in a sidebar block for vB4
      • Option to set the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the input field
      • NOTIFICATION: thank you hack from Abe1 (in default package)
  • Version 3.1.1 : 11 April 2011 [Unreleased beta]
    • Many bug corrections from version 3.1.0
  • Version 3.1.2 : 18 July 2011 [Unreleased beta]
    • Many bug corrections from version 3.1.0
  • Version 3.2.0 : 11 December 2011
    • Many bug corrections from version 3.1.2
    • Chatbox javascript moved to Dojo
  • Version 3.2.1 : 09 January 2012
    • Many bug corrections from version 3.2.0 Various bugs and issues addressed
  • Version 3.2.2 : 31 January 2012
    • Corrected bugs :
      • Background issue on dark skins
      • Show online users list in a tab does nothing
      • Action dropdown menu cut off short
      • Character limitation counter not reset
      • Notifications: Sidebar showing notifications from unaccessible threads
      • Pm in tabs throwing js error
      • Menus not showing in IE and Firefox, chrome works.
      • Javascript error when chatbox title contains a '
      • Admincp Styles and Languages not showing when chatbox is ON
      • Specific forums display not working
      • Pushing enter to send a chat in IE loose focus
      • Chat reports log doesn't show chat text if chat is deleted
    • New functionnalities :
      • Language default to English
      • New translations : German / Serbian
      • New hooks locations :
        • mgc_cb_evo_class_display_start
        • mgc_cb_evo_construct_editor_bbcode_row_end
        • mgc_cb_evo_construct_jsvars_end
        • mgc_cb_evo_format_chat_end
        • mgc_cb_evo_construct_chat_start
        • mgc_cb_evo_del_dm_code_start
        • mgc_cb_evo_ajax_chat_start
        • mgc_cb_evo_ajax_save_edit_start
        • mgc_cb_evo_dm_mgccbchat_botstart
        • mgc_cb_evo_dm_mgccbchat_botend
  • Version 3.2.3 : 11 March 2012
    • Corrected bugs :
      • No Messages displayed in the PM Tab
      • Notifications not showing for all user groups
      • Database error when validating a post awaiting moderation
      • Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_NS_SEPARATOR in /forum/index.php(598) : eval()'d code on line 539
      • Custom avatar doesn't show in notifications (newthread/newpost/thanks)
      • Refresh sometimes hang (ajax timeout issue)
  • Version 3.3.0 : 11 October 2012
    • Corrected bugs :
      • Full page mode css error
      • Text input background color issue with dark styles
      • Bot answer containing {date} answer today instead of current date
      • Wrong link in archives when chatbox filename changed
      • Auto insert beneath forums fails
      • CSS Ignored on CMS/vBaCMPS and Full Chatbox View
      • Missing image menu_open.gif
      • Permanently banned users gets unbanned by the cron task
      • MGC Chatbox and The SideBar Everywhere conflict
      • Missing image collapse_alt_collapsed.gif
    • New functionnalities :
      • New hooks locations :
        • mgc_cb_evo_construct_autocompletion_jsarray_end
        • mgc_cb_evo_class_dm_mgccbchat_command_check
      • All language based options moved to phrases
      • New option to hide PMs from general channel
      • New command to I33t-ify messages
      • Possibility to configure the bot to remove the phrase that triggered the bot (per bot phrase option)
      • New usergroup permission to allow specific usergroups to see all private chats in archives
      • Link to give an infraction to an user for a chat
      • Chat context can now be shown in chat reports
      • New display position => footer
      • Copyright link opens new browser page
      • Display pending reported chats in notifications system (vB4)
    • New functionnalities only available in PRO version :
      • Automatic bot chats
      • Possibility to still display copyright, replace by own message or disable it
      • New command to ban user from specific channels
      • Create thread from chat


Third part:

Spoiler (click to open)

Third part of the changelog :
  • Version 3.4.0 : 2 september 2013
    • Corrected bugs :
      • [BF] 404 error cannot find mgc_cb_evo/bf/clientscript/mgc_cb_evo_bf.js
      • Corrected some PHP 5.3 deprecated errors
      • Error when searching in the chats for '/'
      • Smileys don't get inserted when they contain ' in their code
      • Chatbox get collapsed when PM in tabs is activated in vB3.8.7
      • Color not displayed properly in dropdown in Chrome (Change of dropdown to dojo made ones)
      • Menu action not working in vB3.8.7
    • Modified features :
      • Users that can't use slap/me/I33t commands now see the chats made with those commands
      • Multiple pages now in reports instead of a single page
      • Who's in the chatbox refresh delay now in seconds to allow closer refreshes
    • New functionnalities :
      • New position for FORUMHOME, FORUMDISPLAY and SHOWTHREAD : manual placement in a var
      • Possibility to add wildcards '*' in the bot question for more enhanced triggers
      • New usergroup permission and new option in the user cp to allow user to disable notifications
      • Youtube bbcode support


How to set the channel images

Thanks to princeedwards for this little how to : click here

Spoiler (click to open)

Channel Image Problem Solutions:

For each Channel, you have to create 3 gif images which ends like below:
  • _sel.gif (image displayed when channel is selected) (original color image):
  • _nosel.gif (image displayed when channel is not selected) (slight transparent of the original image):
  • _new.gif (animated image displayed when the channel contains new message, if warn system is active):

This is why it says to not put the end of the image name.

For example, if you name your images :

  • staffchannel_sel.gif
  • staffchannel_nosel.gif
  • staffchannel_new.gif

Into ACP > MGC Chatbox Evo > Manage channels > Add Channel

Name of the channel image
Don't put the file extension nor the sel/nosel/new suffix.
The images must be uploaded in the images/misc/mgc_cb_evo/channels folder.

You would use and put in that blank field space : staffchannel

thanks and hope it help the others too...

thanks and best regards...


PRO version and additional addons available on my

This mod is automatically compatible with vB3.6.x, vB3.7.x, vB3.8.x and vB4.x.x


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