Adding EditArea for Template & Plugin Editing
This modification is in the archives.
This isnt a Plugin or Mod, but a collection of code changes to allow the use of Edit Area to edit vbulletin templates and in the plugin code editor areas.
This requires changes to two files, one of them being optional. The first file to edit is the includes/adminfunctions.php file Using the UNMODIFIED 3.7.0 beta 2 version (Unsure of actual locations of the code in 3.6.8 and ealier versions, but the edits are basicly the same) The first edit is adding the javascript to the page. Open up the file includes/adminfunctions.php and look for the first Code:
<script type=\"text/javascript\"> Before that line, add Code:
<script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../clientscript/edit_area/edit_area_full.js\"></script> Now, we will look for the function print_textarea_row which starts around line 894 This is where the majority of the code changes are. Comment out line 915 (add // infront of the line) Code:
$resizer = "<div class=\"smallfont\"><a href=\"#\" $ie_reflow_css onclick=\"return resize_textarea(1, '{$vbulletin->textarea_id}')\">$vbphrase[increase_size]</a> <a href=\"#\" $ie_reflow_css onclick=\"return resize_textarea(-1, '{$vbulletin->textarea_id}')\">$vbphrase[decrease_size]</a></div>"; Code:
if (!$doeditbutton OR strpos($name,'[') !== false) { $javascript_source = ''; } else { $javascript_source = ' <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> // initialisation editAreaLoader.init({ id: "'.$vbulletin->textarea_id.'" ,language: "en" ,syntax: "html" ,start_highlight: true ,font_size: "8" ,font_family: "verdana, monospace" ,allow_resize: "both" ,allow_toggle: true ,replace_tab_by_spaces: 4 ,min_height: 350 ,syntax_selection_allow: "css,html,js,php,xml" ,toolbar: " search, go_to_line,fullscreen, |, undo, redo, |, select_font,|, syntax_selection, |, change_smooth_selection, highlight, reset_highlight, |, help" }); </script> '; } The last change in this file is a few lines down from the code you just pasted. Should be line 943. Add Code:
$javascript_source. Code:
"<div id=\"ctrl_$name\"><textarea name=\"$name\" id=\"{$vbulletin->textarea_id}\"" . iif($textareaclass, " class=\"$textareaclass\"") . " rows=\"$rows\" cols=\"$cols\" wrap=\"virtual\" dir=\"$direction\" tabindex=\"1\"" . iif($vbulletin->debug, " title=\"name="$name"\"") . ">" . iif($htmlise, htmlspecialchars_uni($value), $value) . "</textarea>$resizer</div>", Code:
$javascript_source . "<div id=\"ctrl_$name\"> ... Right now, the template editor usable and with a full screen option built into it, you shouldnt need a reason to use the Large Edit Box option. However, those changes are also quite easy to do so i will add those. Open up the file admincp/textarea.php On line 48, HTML Code:
opener.document.getElementsByName('<?php echo $vbulletin->GPC['name']; ?>')[0].value = textarea.value;
HTML Code:
opener.document.getElementsByName('<?php echo $vbulletin->GPC['name']; ?>')[0].value = editAreaLoader.getValue("popuptextarea");
HTML Code:
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/clientscript/edit_area/edit_area_full.js"></script> Replace the existing <body> tag (the entire line) with the following HTML Code:
<body onload="self.focus(); editAreaLoader.setValue('popuptextarea', opener.editAreaLoader.getValue('<?php echo $vbulletin->GPC['name']; ?>'));" style="margin:0px"> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> // initialisation editAreaLoader.init({ id: "popuptextarea" ,language: "en" ,syntax: "html" ,start_highlight: true ,font_size: "8" ,font_family: "verdana, monospace" ,allow_resize: "both" ,allow_toggle: true ,replace_tab_by_spaces: 4 ,syntax_selection_allow: "css,html,js,php,xml" ,toolbar: " search, go_to_line, fullscreen, |, undo, redo, |, select_font,|, syntax_selection, |, change_smooth_selection, highlight, reset_highlight, |, help" }); </script> Some screenshots of the result.. **Note: For whatever reason, you cannot save text from the Large Edit Box into the main window IF you have the Edit Area editor enabled! you MUST uncheck the Toggle Editor checkbox before clicking the Large Edit Box button. If you fail to do that, you may or may not save your changes and you may loose the textarea data all together. For whatever reasons, while Code:
editAreaLoader.setValue('popuptextarea', opener.editAreaLoader.getValue('<?php echo $vbulletin->GPC['name']; ?>')) Code:
opener.editAreaLoader.setValue('<?php echo $vbulletin->GPC['name']; ?>', editAreaLoader.getValue('popuptextarea')); --------------------------------------- **Addition In the adminfunctions.php file, the line that we added that says HTML Code:
,syntax: "html" HTML Code:
,syntax: "'.$syntax_type.'" HTML Code:
if (!$doeditbutton OR strpos($name,'[') !== false) HTML Code:
switch ($name) { case "installcode": $syntax_type = "php"; break; case "uninstallcode": $syntax_type = "php"; break; case "phpcode": $syntax_type = "php"; break; case "template": $syntax_type = "html"; break; default: $syntax_type = "html"; } you can also add other lines here that could disable the javascript editor from showing, one example is adding HTML Code:
case "searchstring": $doeditbutton = false; break; you can also prevent the Large Area Button from being displayed by adding HTML Code:
$openwindowbutton = '<div style="width: 150px"> </div>'; Download No files for download. Screenshots |