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vS-Interactive Profiles
Mod Version: 2.3.8, by akanevsky

This modification is in the archives.
vB Version: 3.5.4 Rating: (1 vote - 4.00 average) Installs: 27
Released: 18 Jun 2007 Last Update: 19 Jun 2007 Downloads: 108
Not Supported DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Code Changes Additional Files  

I no longer support my hacks. Please feel free to update them and release new versions elsewhere as long as I get the credit for the original modification.

|| Interactive Profiles
|| Author : Anton Kanevsky
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5 / 3.6
|| Released : Jun 18, 2007
|| Time required to install: 10 minutes
|| Difficulty: easy


Ever wanted to enchance your members' profiles with a myspace-like public friend list, an ability to post comments about each other and a couple of other special features? With complete vBulletin integration, user ratings and comments, zodiacs, friendster-style profile field highlights, custom xss-proof css, support for avatars and for vBulletin's standard and WYSIWYG editors, this product is everything you need to achive the goal. See inside for screenshots and a detailed list of features.


File Uploads: 1
File Changes: 1
Template Changes: 18
Products to Install: 1

  • Full-Featured Front End
    • Default avatars for people with no avatar defined (can be turned on or off, as desired)
    • Ability to set profiles as private (with admincp backup switch)
    • Ability to restrict posting of comments to friends only (with admincp backup switch)
    • Myspace-Style "Friend Requests" (see screenshots) with ability to accept / decline
    • Friendster-Style profile field highlights - keywords become clickable links that can be used for search purposes
    • Comment Flood Control
    • Comment Numbers w/ Links to Individual Comments
    • New Comment E-Mail Notification
    • Friend Request E-Mail Notification
    • Friend Request Response E-Mail Notification
    • E-Mail Notifications can be turned On and Off
    • Navbar "New Comments" and "New Friend Requests" Indicators
    • Pagination support in friend space and comments
    • Morphed, more compact memberinfo layout and postbit template, with avatar support
    • Member Profile Ratings, Also Displayed in Posts.
    • Member Profile Ratings can be enabled or disabled for each user individually.
    • Who Rated Member w/ Access Permissions
    • Who Viewed Member w/ Access Permissions
    • Last Profile Update in memberinfo
    • Graphical Zodiac Sign in memberinfo and in postbit
    • Support for custom profile css with preview option and with an admin ability to create pre-defined css templates - and unlike in other systems, malicious javascript cannot be injected.
    • Custom css can be temporarily suppressed when viewing customized profiles.
    • Custom css can be permanently deleted from customized profiles by privileged users.

  • Configuration Options
    • Allow vB Code in Profile Comments (yes/no)
    • Allow Smilies in Profile Comments (yes/no)
    • Allow [IMG] Code in Profile Comments (yes/no)
    • Allow HTML in Profile Comments (yes/no)
    • Last Comments to Show in Profiles
    • Friends : Rows to Show
    • Friends : Friends per Row
    • Friends : Friends per Row (Full Listing)
    • Allow Vote Change (yes/no)
    • Last Update :: when updating avatar (yes/no)
    • Last Update :: when updating profile picture (yes/no)
    • Last Update :: when updating profile (yes/no)
    • Last Update :: when updating signature (yes/no)
    • Graphical Zodiac Sign (yes/no)
    • Friendster Style Links (yes/no)
    • Allow URLs in CSS (yes/no)
    • Minimum Time Between Comments
    • Minimum Time Between Two Profile Views
    • Enable Default Avatar (yes/no)
    • Path to Default Avatar (path to image file)

  • Extensive Usergroup Permissions
    • Can Have Profile Comments
    • Can Post Profile Comments
    • Can Edit Own Profile Comments
    • Can Delete Own Profile Comments
    • Can Edit Others' Profile Comments in Own Profile
    • Can Delete Others' Profile Comments in Own Profile
    • Can Edit Others' Profile Comments in Others' Profiles
    • Can Delete Others' Profile Comments in Others' Profiles
    • Can Always View Private Profiles
    • Can Set Profile as Private
    • Can Use Custom CSS
    • Can Use Predefined CSS
    • Can View Who Rated Own Profile
    • Can View Who Rated Others' Profiles
    • Can View Who Viewed Own Profile
    • Can View Who Viewed Others' Profiles
    • Count Profile Views by This Group
    • Can Erase Css From Others' Profiles

  • BONUS!
    • Importer for Danny.VBT's Profile Comments system is included.


The development of the software has been discontinued.
The software has been released at, and may be freely modified and redistributed, as long as copyright notices are preserved.

[+] Corrected a few issues associated with the new vBulletin releases.

[+] The users' emails are not disclosed anymore in e-mail.
[+] Corrected a couple of miscellaneous bugs, including one with member views.

[+] Redesigned comment editing / deleting permissions.
[+] New feature, which allows viewers to suppress and, if permitted, delete css from users' profiles (new permission: "Can Erase Css From Others' Profiles").
[+] Users can now enable or disable ratings on their profiles.
[+] New feature: "Default Avatar". Can be turned on or off, depending on what is desired.
[F] Corrected a couple of minor template-related bugs.
[F] Corrected a bug that sometimes prevented zodiacs from showing up in users' profiles.

[+] New permission: "count this group's profile views".
[+] Self profile views are now not counted.
[+] Product package fixed for compatibility with 3.6.4.
[F] Corrected invalid popup link in profiles.
[F] Corrected invalid viewer url in "who viewed profile" window.
[F] Added missing who's online phrases.

[+] Who Viewed Profile (w/ Permissions and Delay Between Counted Views)
[F] Corrected a bug, which caused a MySQL error on user save in AdminCP.
[F] Corrected a bug, which consisted of invalid XHTML in headinclude.
[F] Corrected a bug, which caused the same commment number to show on every comment.
[F] Corrected a bug, which consisted of an uncached template in memberinfo.

[+] Who Rated Profile w/ Access Permissions
[+] Member Ratings in Posts
[+] 'Go Back' link on the 'Show All Friends' page
[+] Zodiac Signs are now displayed even for those who chose to only show their age rather than full birthdate.
[+] New registrants now have notifications turned on by default.
[+] Comment Numbers w/ Links to Individual Comments
[+] Flood Control
[F] Comments of deleted users now display [Deleted User] (rather than nothing).
[F] Corrected a minor typo in the version tag.
[F] Corrected a problem with unsearchable links being highlighted.
[F] Corrected a problem with uncached templates.
[F] Notifications now originate from system address, not from person's address.

2.3.1 - Compatible w/ Both vBulletin 3.5 and 3.6! All features from 2.3.0 are here.
[+] The system now sends out notifications when a friend request is either accepted or denied.
[F] Corrected a problem with avatars not being displayed properly when stored in the file system.

2.3.0 - Compatible w/ vBulletin 3.6, Incompatible w/ vBulletin 3.5
[+] Added two new usergroup permission: "Can Use Custom CSS" and "Can Use Predefined CSS".
[+] Added ability to turn Friendster Links on/off.
[+] Added separate profile picture box.
[+] Added ability to turn Friend Request / New Comment e-mail notifications on/off.
[+] Added last update information to Friends List.
[+] New, improved friend request management interface, with avatars and radio buttons (accept / decline / leave for later).
[+] Friends in profile are now displayed in random fashion. Complete list continues to be sorted by userid.
[+] When a new comment is posted, the user gets redirected back to profile, rather than to comment listing.
[+] When a person with access to private profiles views a private profile, an alert, similar to "board offline" is displayed.
[+] Added option to permit Image URLs in CSS. Warning - it is not recommended to turn it on.
[F] Corrected an issue where friendster links did not work correctly with multiple-choice custom fields.
[F] Corrected a minor template error.

[F] Corrected an issue where friendster links did not work correctly with multiple-choice custom fields.
[F] Corrected a couple of minor template errors.

2.2.0 - Evolution Continued!
[+] Avatars are now displayed in comments.
[+] Comments now have a preview option.
[+] Added zodiac signs to memberinfo and postbit.
[+] Pm notification of new comments replaced with e-mail notification.
[+] Profile fields are now highlighted in friendster fashion: keywords become clickable links that can be used for search purposes.
[+] Added "profile last changed" bit to memberinfo.
[+] Added support for custom profile css with preview option and with an admin ability to create pre-defined css templates - and unlike in other systems, malicious javascript cannot be injected.
[F] Corrected a problem with permissions.
[F] Added maintenance suite controls for usergroup permissions.
[F] Corrected a couple of template problems.
[F] Corrected a problem which causes user's avatars to not appear under certain circumstances.

2.1.0 - Evolution Continued!
[+] Added pagination for friend listings.
[+] Added myspace-type "friend requests", with e-mail notification (see screenshots)
[+] Ability to accept/decline incoming requests and cancel outgoing requests.
[+] Comments now use an alternative, more compact template.
[+] Templates that are used by the system are now all prefixed "iprof_" and grouped in the template manager.
[+] Created an importer for Danny.VBT's profile comments system.
[+] Added member profile ratings.

2.0.0 - Evolution from Profile Comments into Interactive Profiles
[+] Added list of Mutual Friends in Profiles (with avatar and online status)
[+] Added ability to set profiles as private (with admincp backup switch)
[+] Added ability to restrict posting of comments to friends only (with admincp backup switch)
[+] Added new comment PM notification
[+] Added navbar "New Comments" Indicator
[+] Enchanced, more compact profile layout (see screenshots)
[+] Added vBulletin options to control the new functionality
[+] vBulletin Options have been moved from "User Profile Comments Options" to "User Interactive Profiles Options"

Initial Release of Profile Comments

The installation manual is contained within the attached file.



This modification is archived and cannot be downloaded.



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