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Adding FAQ entries via a product or plugin
by RedTyger 04 May 2007

I could find no information about this anywhere, so hopefully I will be the last frustrated searcher on the subject of how to add the the FAQ using a product or plugin. Here's the syntax.

<phrasetype name="FAQ Title" fieldname="faqtitle">
          <phrase name="my_faq_entry1"><![CDATA[My FAQ Entry 1 Title]]></phrase>
          <phrase name="my_faq_entry2"><![CDATA[My FAQ Entry 2 Title]]></phrase>
<phrasetype name="FAQ Text" fieldname="faqtext">
          <phrase name="my_faq_entry1"><![CDATA[My FAQ Entry 1 Text]]></phrase>
          <phrase name="my_faq_entry2"><![CDATA[My FAQ Entry 2 Text]]></phrase>
          <faq faqname="my_faq_entry1" faqparent="vb_read_and_post" displayorder="999" />
          <faq faqname="my_faq_entry2" faqparent="vb_read_and_post" displayorder="999" />

The faqparent field determines where your entries show up in relation to the default FAQ library. If you want to add to an existing FAQ section, you can find out what to put in this field by editing an FAQ entry using the FAQ Manager in the AdminCP. The id you need to use is displayed in the title at the top of the page. The value given in the example means that the custom FAQ entries will appear at the bottom of the list of "Reading and Posting Messages" FAQs.

If you want to add a complete new section then give your FAQ entry's faqparent the value faqroot. In this sense I mean section as a block of FAQ entries on the FAQ index page. The default contains one section titled "vBulletin FAQ" with three subsections. Using faqroot will add another entirely new "vBulletin FAQ"-style block.

A display order of 1 doesn't actually place it at the top (actually third place, in the example at least) so it's best to use a high number and head for the bottom of the list consistently.

And that's all folks.

Quote by Princeton
this is done automatically by vbulletin ...
you will need to create a product (Project Manager) and in debug mode add your FAQ items

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