Everquest 2 Postbit Mod
This modification is in the archives.
This Modification will walk you through creating user profile fields that will output Everquest 2 icons in your users' postbit with the addition of the postbit_legacy template. The coding is very similar to a great WoW mod by gmrstudios, found here. This template modification will generate a total of five (5) icons for your users. I have provided the icons from Everquest 2 as well as personally created 1-100 icons for the Adventure and AA levels. The post
To begin, you'll need to add some new single selection menu fields. Make sure you note the assigned ID for each field added, you'll need it for coding input purposes. Also please make sure you remove the asterisks if you cut and paste or the input will not work. ^.^ First field: Title: EQ2 Character Gender Options:
Second field: Title: EQ2 Character Race Options:
Third field: Title: EQ2 Character Class Options:
Fourth Field: Title: EQ2 Tradeskill Options:
Fifth Field: Title: EQ2 Adventure Level Options: (List numbers 1 through 70; see post below for cut and paste) --- Sixth Field: Title: EQ2 AA Level Options: (List numbers 1AA through 100AA; see post below for cut and paste) --- Now that you've created the fields, cut and pasted the information into the options box, and made note of the fieldID for each new userfield, we need to modify the postbit_legacy template in your current style: Find: Code:
<if condition="$show['avatar']"><div class="smallfont"> <br /><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]"><img src="$post[avatarurl]" $post[avwidth] $post[avheight] alt="<phrase 1="$post[username]">$vbphrase[xs_avatar]</phrase>" border="0" /></a></div></if> Code:
<!-- EQ2 Postbit --> <if condition="$post[fieldA] && $post[fieldB]"><img src="images/$post[fieldA]_$post[fieldB].gif" alt="$post[fieldA] $post[fieldB]"></if> <if condition="$post[fieldC]"><img src="images/$post[fieldC].gif" alt="$post[fieldC]"></if> <if condition="$post[fieldD]"><img src="images/$post[fieldD].gif" alt="$post[fieldD]"></if> <if condition="$post[fieldE]"><img src="images/$post[fieldE].gif" alt="$post[fieldE]"></if> <if condition="$post[fieldF]"><img src="images/$post[fieldF].gif" alt="$post[fieldF]"></if> <!-- / End EQ2 Postbit --> Now upload the attached icons to an appropriate image folder and change the img src coding to match the location. You should be set! http://www.eq2trinitas.com/forum/index.php?t=34 Download
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