Chestnut Style !
(for vB3.6, vB3.6.1, vB3.6.2, vB3.6.3, vB3.6.4 and vB 3.6.5)
Hey all
I present my second style: "
1. Extract ZIP folder.
2. Upload folder found within Upload folder into your forum images directory (eg for Chestnut, upload the chestnut folder into your vBulletin 3.6 images folder).
3. Log into your admin control panel.
4. Choose Styles -> Download/Upload Styles
5. Under Import Style XML File, click on "Browse..."
6. Find the Upload folder (from the ZIP you downloaded). Select the file the file that ends with .xml (there should be only one file).
- Include file .xml for vB3.6, vB3.6.1, vB3.6.2,vB3.6.3 and vB3.6.4
- Include .psd files
- Style extensible
Screen in french, but buttons english in .zip files
Some Screens ...
If you use my style, please, click to
Add Style for vB3.6.2 (10/08/06)
V1.1 - Bug fix: (09/18/06)
Thank to NJChins for information
- Replace image to
- Replace phrase: "Les sujets importants" to "Sticky Threads"
- Replace phrase: " Les sujets du forum" to "Forum Threads"
V1.2 - Bug fix: (24/09/06)
- The CSS not add after import to .xml (style)
Add: (26/09/06)
- Add font GilliesGothicBold to Package (for edit the logo
V1.3 - Bug fix: (26/10/06)
- Fix bug "image verification", work now. This problem was only style 3.6.2. (template imagereg)
- Description to modif
Spoiler (click to open)
Quote by kalleball
having the same problem as dfe is having, image verification is not working, works with all other email
Fix Bug: (26-10-06)
- Fix bug "image verification", work now. This problem was only style 3.6.2. (template imagereg)
In "imagereg" template, find:
<input type="text" class="bginput" name="imagestamp" size="10" maxlength="6" />
Add under:
<input id="imagehash" type="hidden" name="imagehash" value="$imagehash" />
- Add A New Menu
Spoiler (click to open)
Quote by lsmba
I need a little help with the "Quick Links" menu bar for this style. Can someone explain to me in detail how I can add additional menus to the Quick Links drop down bar (which templates to goto and the commands to add, etc.). I'm a new to this type of style, but, I follow instructions very well
For Add a New Menu:
- In header template, find:
<!-- New Menu -->
<td width="93">
<table width="93" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="background:#FFFFFF url($stylevar[imgdir_misc]/bouton_new_menu.gif);"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/your_url.php$session[sessionurl_q]" rel="nofollow"
src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/bouton_new_menu.gif" name="new_menu" width="93" height="40" border="0" class="imgFader" id="new_menu" alt="" /></a></td>
<!-- /New Menu -->
PS: Change the texte with this
- In headinclude template, find:
JSFX.Rollover("deconnexion", "$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/bouton_deconnexion_over.gif");
- Under, add under: (example)
PS: Change the texte with this
- Upload the news images (in this example bouton_new_menu_over.gif and bouton_new_menu.gif), to: "/images/chestnut/misc/"
- Shadows Images modified (09/13/07)