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vBAdvanced Cleaner Site Navigation Module - CSS Driven Rollovers
What it does: Replace your default vBAdvanced navigation pane with a cross-browser, CSS driven rollover menu. Time to install: 10 Minutes Tested: IE, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera Difficulty: Easy Templates: 2 CSS Edit: 1 Demo: I wasn't happy with the stock look of the vBAdvanced portal navigation. It's very plain, and I personally like rollovers (if done properly) for adding a little bit of organic movement to static pages. Here's the default CMPS on the left, and my module on the right. The screenshots don't really do it justice, for the full effect check out my website linked above. I am using it both for navigation and for the "Artist Reviews & Interviews" portal templates. Default: Step 1: Create the New Module AdminCP -> vBA CMPS -> Add Module -> Template Module Title: Site Navigation Column: Left Column Display Order: 1 Active: Yes Update All Pages: Yes Template to Include: (adv_portal)clean_nav Style: (Your style) Template content is as follows: Code:
<tr><td class="alt1"><table border="0" width="165" class="portalnav"> <tr><td bgcolor="#444444" width="100%" onclick="window.location='http://www.youdomain.tld/forum/link.php'" style="cursor:pointer; background-color:#444444" onmouseover="'#555555';" onmouseout="'#444444';"><span class="portalnav">Link Description</span></td></tr> </table></td></tr> Code:
<tr><td bgcolor="#444444" width="100%" onclick="window.location='http://www.youdomain.tld/forum/link.php'" style="cursor:pointer; background-color:#444444" onmouseover="'#555555';" onmouseout="'#444444';"><span class="portalnav">Link Description</span></td></tr> Usergroups: All set to yes Other template edits: In my example, #444444 is my ON color, and "#555555" is my OFF color. Change these to whatever you like. I also have a fixed table width in the initial table call, here: Code:
width="165" Step two: CSS Definitions ACP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> (Your Style) -> Main CSS Scroll down to Additional CSS Definitions At the bottom, Add: Code:
.portalnav { color:#FFCC00; font: bold 10px verdana; Text-Decoration: none; } .portalnav a, .portalnav a:link, .portalnav a:visited, .portalnav a:hover, .portalnav a:active { text-decoration:none; color: #FFCC00; font: bold 10px verdana; } Step 3: Disable your old navigation block. ACP -> vBA CMPS -> Edit Modules -> Site Navigation Set "Active" to No. Keep in mind that you'll have two modules named Site Navigation now, so make sure you disable the non-template driven, default module and not the one you just created. Please click if you are using this. It's the only recognition designers and coders get for sharing their work! Download This modification is archived and cannot be downloaded. Screenshots
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