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Multiple Forums using a single user table
Mod Version: 1.00, by e2s

This modification is in the archives.
vB Version: 3.5.4 Rating: (3 votes - 3.67 average) Installs: 48
Released: 13 Jun 2006 Last Update: Never Downloads: 5
Not Supported  

This was originaly done in 3.0.9 by westpointer you can view that thread here

This Modification is for VB3.5.4 This is not supported but I will give as much help as I possible can.

I have this working now on 2 sites

The main site is

Slave sites are

After a successfull install of this modification your sites will share User, PM, and sesson data.

This thread will detail how to have a single login for multiple forums. It makes the following assumptions:
  • A valid vbulletin license exists for each install
  • All forums will be on the same server
  • One database will contain all the tables
A valid vbulletin license exists for each install

Follow these steps

1.) Download your new copy of VB that contains a seperate license key
2.) Go to /includes/ rename the file to config.php and make necessary changes to the file. See VB Directions. Make sure this code has a different setting than the master site for table prefix.

PHP Code:
 //          ****** TABLE PREFIX ******
 //          Prefix that your vBulletin tables have in the database.
$config['Database']['tableprefix'] = ''
3.) Run the vb install from the new directory (/www/new_forums/install/install.php)

4.) During the install, be sure NOT to empty the tables. If you have any doubt about what this means, stop NOW! If you empty the tables, you will lose all of your existing data from a prior install!

5.) Download all files and directories to your PC from the new install location.

6.) You will need a tool to do a mass Search and replace on all files. I use WildEdit. Here is what you will do using a tool like Wild Edit.
  • Search for [" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user] Replace with [" . "vb3_user] where "vb3_" is the prefix to your master site. 110 Files modified 599 Total changes made
  • Search for [" . TABLE_PREFIX . "strikes] Replace with [" . "vb3_strikes] where "vb3_" is the prefix to your master site 4 Files modified 8 Total changes made
  • Search for [" . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm] Replace with [" . "vb3_pm] where "vb3_" is the prefix to your master site 16 Files modified 77 Total changes made
  • Search for [" . TABLE_PREFIX . "session] Replace with [" . "vb3_session] where "vb3_" is the prefix to your master site 20 Files modified 31 Total changes made

Now to modify some of the code.

In /include/class_dm.php

Search for:
PHP Code:
 function fetch_insert_sql($tableprefix$table)

Add below change vb3_ to your master site prefix:
PHP Code:
if ($table == "vb3_pmtext")


$sql "INSERT INTO {$table}\r\n\t(" implode(', 'array_keys($this->$table)) . 





Go to /include/class_dm_pm.php

Search for:
PHP Code:
var $table 'pmtext'
Replace with making vb3_ the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
var $table 'vb3_pmtext'

Search for:
PHP Code:
$pmtextid = ($this->existing['pmtextid'] ? $this->existing['pmtextid'] : $this->pmtext['pmtextid']); 
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
$pmtextid = ($this->existing['pmtextid'] ? $this->existing['pmtextid'] : $this->vb3_pmtext['pmtextid']); 
Search for:
PHP Code:
$this->dbobject->query_write("INSERT INTO " TABLE_PREFIX "pm (pmtextid, userid) VALUES ($pmtextid$user[userid])"); 
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
$this->dbobject->query_write("INSERT INTO " "vb3_pm (pmtextid, userid) VALUES ($pmtextid$user[userid])"); 
Search for:
PHP Code:
" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($user['username']) . "', '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($this->pmtext['title']) . 
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($user['username']) . "', '" . $this->dbobject->escape_string($this->vb3_pmtext['title']) . 

Go to /include/class_dm_user.php

Search for:
PHP Code:
$return $this->db_update(TABLE_PREFIX'user'$this->condition$doquery$delayed); 
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
$return $this->db_update('vb3_''user'$this->condition$doquery$delayed); 
Search for:
PHP Code:
$this->db_update(TABLE_PREFIX'userfield',     $this->condition$doquery$delayed); 
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
$this->db_update('vb3_''userfield',     $this->condition$doquery$delayed); 
Search for:
PHP Code:
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
Search for:
PHP Code:
if ($return $this->db_insert(TABLE_PREFIX'user'$doquery)) 
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
if ($return $this->db_insert('vb3_''user'$doquery)) 
Search for:
PHP Code:
$this->db_insert(TABLE_PREFIX'userfield',     $doquery); 
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
$this->db_insert('vb3_''userfield',     $doquery); 
Search for:
PHP Code:
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
Search for:
PHP Code:
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
DELETE FROM “.”vb3_session 
Search for:
PHP Code:
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "passwordhistory (useridpasswordpassworddate
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
INSERT INTO " . "vb3_passwordhistory (useridpasswordpassworddate
Search for:
PHP Code:
 UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session SET 
Replace with where vb3_ is the prefix to your master site:
PHP Code:
   UPDATE “.”vb3_session SET 

That is all the code modification.

The only other item I did is remove a couple cron jobs.

Go into Scheduled tasks then to Scheduled Task Manager

Delete the following CRON jobs from the Slave Site

User Promotions*
Activation Reminder Email

This will eliminate members getting emails from the primary and secondary sites
*not sure if this will duplicate efforts between primary and secondary sites I have it running on both sites still waiting to see if it causes any issues.

Please post here if you have any problems and questions I will try my best to keep up with everyone to help you through this. Once you get the code done the first time you can just do a mass search and replace on your license code and you can be up and running in minutes with a new site.

This is my first major modification so I hope I posted this all correct, again Thanks to Westpointer for his original work without his post this would not have been possible.



Please make this changes it will allow you to make changes to usergroups in the subscription section and when editing a user.

Search for
PHP Code:
                $result $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT title, $tableid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "$tablename $wherecondition ORDER BY title"); 
Replace with
PHP Code:
if ($tablename == "usergroup")
$result $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT title, $tableid FROM " "vb3_$tablename $wherecondition ORDER BY title");
$result $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT title, $tableid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "$tablename $wherecondition ORDER BY title");


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