V3Arcade Link to Games in News And Events
This modification is in the archives.
Someone on my forums asked me for this because when someone beat their score they wanted to be able to click into the game without having to search for it in the games listings , so i did it and may as well share the edits with everyone because its so simple.
-------------------------------------------------- step 1: Open Arcade.php find : Code:
// Add a new news item, since there's a new champion for this game. $db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "arcade_news (newstext, newstype, datestamp) VALUES ('" . addslashes(construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_is_the_new_champion'], $vbulletin->userinfo['username'], $game['title'])) . "', 'auto', " . TIMENOW . ")"); } Code:
// Add a new news item, since there's a new champion for this game. $db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "arcade_news (newstext, newstype, datestamp) VALUES ('" . addslashes(construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_is_the_new_champion'], $vbulletin->userinfo['username'], $game['title'],$game[gameid])) . "', 'auto', " . TIMENOW . ")"); } UPLOAD arcade.php --------------------------------------------------- step 2: go to language and phrases in the adminCP find $vbphrase[x_is_the_new_champion] and change it from : Code:
{1} is the new {2} champion! Code:
{1} is the new <a href="arcade.php?do=play&gameid={3}">{2}</a> champion! and you should now have a linkable game name in the news and events section of the arcade when the NEXT PERSON wins a game. Hope that some others use this - it makes life easier Download No files for download. |
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