theme based on space with night sky background effect - 90% width fluid style...
Psd for the header and buttons attached with the zip.
How do I install the Style?
1. Extract the zip files to a folder on your computer.
2. Upload the image folder "space" to your forums> images>styles> directory (ex: forum/images/styles/space).
3. Login to your Admincp in your vBulletin Forum and Click on "Style & Templates" to expand the menu.
4. In the expanded menu click on "Download / Upload Styles" , a new page will load.
5. In the new page look for: "Import Style XML File" click on browse and point it to the .xml file that you want to install
6. If you are using a vbulletin version older than 3.5.4 click tick "Ignore Style Version"
7. Press IMPORT to complete the installation
Note: If you dont have an Style folder in your images directory, create new folder named 'styles'