Vbulletin Java Chat
This modification is in the archives.
What this does is simply add a link which pops up in a window and connects to your specified irc server via a third party java application. We shall be using the freely distributed http://www.pjirc.com/ for this modifcation. Installation
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function popUp(URL) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=640,height=400,left = 256,top = 232');"); } // End --> </script>
<A HREF="javascript:popUp('http://website.com/forum/irc/')">Java IRC</A> woola, you intergrated a java irc client into your forum without any hassle. your irc will require customization in order for it to fit so here is my file i named index.html so once that the link is clicked, it opens the window exactly in the perfect dimensions, your welcome to use this code, also included in the pjirc are more heavy versions of the java client but this one in my opinion is perfect, BE SURE TO EDIT THE SERVER AND NAMES TO YOUR LIKING (ONES IN RED) Code:
<html> <head> <title>Vbulletin Java Chat</title> </head> <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"> <applet code=IRCApplet.class archive="irc.jar,pixx.jar" width=640 height=400> <param name="CABINETS" value="irc.cab,securedirc.cab,pixx.cab"> <param name="nick" value="VBCHAT"> <param name="alternatenick" value="VBCHAT???"> <param name="fullname" value="Java User"> <param name="host" value="irc.deltaanime.net"> <param name="gui" value="pixx"> <param name="quitmessage" value="Get a chat room for you're own vbulletin message board, visit http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?p=899188#post899188"> <param name="asl" value="true"> <param name="style:bitmapsmileys" value="true"> <param name="style:smiley1" value=":) img/sourire.gif"> <param name="style:smiley2" value=":-) img/sourire.gif"> <param name="style:smiley3" value=":-D img/content.gif"> <param name="style:smiley4" value=":d img/content.gif"> <param name="style:smiley5" value=":-O img/OH-2.gif"> <param name="style:smiley6" value=":o img/OH-1.gif"> <param name="style:smiley7" value=":-P img/langue.gif"> <param name="style:smiley8" value=":p img/langue.gif"> <param name="style:smiley9" value=";-) img/clin-oeuil.gif"> <param name="style:smiley10" value=";) img/clin-oeuil.gif"> <param name="style:smiley11" value=":-( img/triste.gif"> <param name="style:smiley12" value=":( img/triste.gif"> <param name="style:smiley13" value=":-| img/OH-3.gif"> <param name="style:smiley14" value=":| img/OH-3.gif"> <param name="style:smiley15" value=":'( img/pleure.gif"> <param name="style:smiley16" value=":$ img/rouge.gif"> <param name="style:smiley17" value=":-$ img/rouge.gif"> <param name="style:smiley18" value="(H) img/cool.gif"> <param name="style:smiley19" value="(h) img/cool.gif"> <param name="style:smiley20" value=":-@ img/enerve1.gif"> <param name="style:smiley21" value=":@ img/enerve2.gif"> <param name="style:smiley22" value=":-S img/roll-eyes.gif"> <param name="style:smiley23" value=":s img/roll-eyes.gif"> <param name="style:floatingasl" value="true"> <param name="pixx:highlight" value="true"> <param name="pixx:highlightnick" value="true"> </applet> </body> </html> MentaL Download No files for download. |
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